Offering a wide range of science education services including Science and Mathematics Tutoring, school projects, homeschool support.
Science Tutoring and Extra Classes
Tutoring for grades 8-12. Complete coverage of everything you need to know to progress to the next grade. Course material is split into logical sections and care is taken to ensure that learners understand why and how the basics work before anything more complex is attempted. The use of examples from the real world makes for interesting discussions and easier learning of key concepts.
Extra classes are available for subject areas of your choice. Group and individual sessions are available.
We can help you with any science or mathematics project. From generating ideas to construction & presentation. Each project is quoted based on complexity, time and materials required. You choose our level of involvement. Our aim is to ensure that learners understand how to tackle a scientific project from beginning to end. We do not provide off-the-shelf or ready-made solutions as this would not require sufficient input from the learner. Booking in advance is essential.
Kontak ons vir u pasgemaakte oplossing. Ons bied wiskunde en wetenskap onderrig, ekstra klasse, hulp met projekte en praktiese laboratoriumwerk aan. Sciencematters beskik oor al die nodige apparaat en chemikalieë vir eksperimente op skoolvlak. Ons bied ook hulp met die opstel van u eie eksperimente. Ouers wat voel hulle benodig meer inligting oor sekere dele van die leerplan wat hulle volg of oor hoe sekere begrippe verduidelik moet word, kan inskryf vir individuele sessies. Konsultasie om u unieke oplossing te vind is gratis.
Individuele- en groepsessies beskikbaar.